That would average out to 8, but the Purple Worm attack bonus is +9, which is 2 higher than a CR 8 monster, so the CR is supposed to go up one rank to 9. The defensive challenge rating is 10: 217 hp The offensive challenge rating is 6: a bite for 22 and a tail sting for 19, for a total of 41 damage Using the monster stats by challenge rating table on p. tables and story hooks to create 5th edition adventures on demand.

That's because the purple worm skeleton's swallow attack is now mostly funny with the worst consequence being a PC tumbling into a rib cage, plus the tail is no longer venomous. D&D Icons of The Realms: Fangs and Talons - Purple Worm Premium Set : Amazon.ca. The challenge rating changes dramatically compared to the Minotaur Skeleton (2) vs Minotaur (3). same damage, but it can't swallow or poison.I compared the Minotaur with the Minotaur Skeleton to get an idea of how to scale the stats for a Purple Worm Skeleton.